Frequently Asked Questions - Mount Waverley Rotary


Club of Mount Waverley

Mount Waverley Rotary
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Frequently Asked Questions

Who are Rotarians?
Rotarians are people like you and I. Traditionally they have been persons in positions of leadership in their respective businesses. We at The Rotary Club of Mount Waverley are keen to have a club made up of people in our community who want to make a difference. Do you want to make a difference?
What Rotary Isn’t
Rotary isn't a religious, political, or nationalistic organisation. It does not interfere with the men and women members’ religious, political, or other beliefs. Rotary isn’t some kind of secret society. There are no secret handshakes or the like. Rotary clubs are a bunch of like-minded people united in their desire to make a difference in their community and the world.
It isn’t a social club, although strong fellowship is a key component that unites the club in its projects. Members are expected to make a contribution to the life of the club, to the extent that they are able. Rotary offers plenty of scope for members' initiatives and for the promotion of their concern for the community at large.
Rotary isn't "an old boy's club" dominated by an established group of cronies. It is intentionally structured to offer leadership opportunities to all its members. Furthermore, Rotary's membership classification system actively encourages diversity and recognises it as a strength.
Can my company be a member of a Rotary Club?
The simple answer is Yes, via organisational membership, however it must be pointed out that only individuals can be a member of a Rotary Club not the organisation. Please contact the President for further details.
What things are Rotary Clubs involved in?
The Rotary Club of Mount Waverley is involved in a number of projects - covering the Five Avenues of Service (Club, Vocational, Community, International and Youth). All members are assigned to one of these Committees.
Am I allowed to bring other people along to Rotary?
Absolutely yes! You are most welcome to bring along guests at any time. If the guest is a potential member, the club policy is that the club will fund two visits as a guest. Beyond the first two visits, the visitor will then pay for themselves for their meeting. If you have a partner and/or children, they are also most welcome to attend Rotary at any time.
How do I go about joining the Rotary Club of Mount Waverley?
  • Very easy. The Club Membership Chair will make arrangements to have an informal meeting with you to talk about you and why you would like to become a Rotary volunteer, talk about Rotary and our Club, our Club Community and International projects, and which Committee you would be best suited to.
  • Once any queries are resolved and you are happy to join our Rotary Club you will need to complete a membership Application Form. Your Vocation or Rotary Classification, this being a description of your vocation (such as Banking, your trade background, etc.) will also be determined.
  • Once the membership Application Form is completed and your Rotary Classification is determined the person inviting you into the Rotary Club will submit your name to the Membership Chairman who will arrange for it to be presented to the Board Meeting.
  • Your name is then circulated to all members to identify if they know of any reason that a potential member should not be granted membership.
  • Once the nomination of the guest has been completed, you will be invited into membership of the Mount Waverley Rotary Club and inducted after payment of your fees.
The Rotary Club of Mount Waverley
The Rotary Club of Mount Waverley was originally chartered in 1985, the Club board consists of the President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, President Elect (Club Service Director), International Service Director, Community Service Director, Vocational Service Director, Youth Service Director and Fundraising Director. This group is responsible for the running of your club. The board meets on a regular basis each month.
What kind of people join the Rotary Club of Mount Waverley?
Our Rotarians are all people who want to give back to their community and take the opportunity to serve others. In the Rotary Club of Mount Waverley, we have a mixture of Male and Female members
How often does the Club meet?
Most Rotary Clubs throughout the world meet on a weekly basis. The Rotary Club of Mount Waverley meets Wednesday evenings (except Public Holidays)
6:00 pm Arrive
6:30 pm Meeting Commences
In Rotary, this is commonly referred to as 6.00 for 6:30pm start, and we finish at 8:00pm.
Where does the Club meet?
- see contact page.
Am I required to attend a certain amount of meetings?
The answer is no. As a Rotarian, you can attend any other Rotary Club anywhere in the world. There are 48 other Rotary Clubs in District 9810 and many more in Melbourne alone. This is called a `Make Up'.
The best way to locate a Rotary Club to visit, particularly if you are away on business is to check the Rotary Website - and this will list all clubs in an area. Generally, Rotary Clubs meet for breakfast, lunch or dinner and are about the same cost as our meetings. Generally, $20 to $30 is the range to expect.
Is there a regular Club newsletter to members?
Yes - all clubs distribute a Weekly `Bulletin' to their members. The Rotary Club of Mount Waverley Newsletter is distributed via email to members and Friends of Mount Waverley, and are also available on this site.
How do I know what is happening in the Club?
The Bulletin always lists who is speaking in future weeks in the Diary Dates.
What is the Rotary Club's web site address?
The Rotary Club of Mount Waverley web site is (this site)
It is also useful to note District 9810 Web site is
Rotary International's web site is  and
How much are the annual fees for Membership?
Yes, these are reviewed annually to cover only the cost of running the club. Please ask.
Is there a joining fee?
What is the cost of attending Rotary meetings?
Our Rotary Club meets on Wednesday evenings. Its meal fee is presently $22.00.

Our District in Australia.
What is District 9810?
District 9810 is the compilation of fifty one clubs with some 1290 members in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. It ranges from Templestowe in the north to Healesville (along the south of the Yarra River); along Warrigal Road to South Road - and then through to Hampton down to Chelsea in the south. The District also includes the areas in the Dandenong Ranges of Monbulk, Emerald & District through to Knox and Rowville. It cuts down to the Patterson River through Springvale (but does not include Dandenong).
How is the District structured?
Our District has a number of Committees which each have a Chairman and Committee members. In addition, the District Governor is assisted by a team of Assistant Governors who each have responsibility to liaise with a group of Rotary Clubs and advise them   in accordance with Rotary policies and in accordance with the District Governor's direction. Our District has a number of Committees which each have a Chairman and Committee members.
Clubs comprising the district meet twice a year - (1) at assembly where incoming officers are educated in Rotary, and (2) at District Conference. Resolutions from this conference go to the Rotary International Board.
Does the District have policies for all Rotarians to follow?
Yes, District 9810 has a number of Policies which are applicable to all Rotarians in the District. They include the Sexual Harassment Policy, Privacy Policy, Email Policy and Recommended Code of Conduct for Dealing with Young Persons. All members are required to have a Police Check for their Working with Children Card.
What are the Objectives of Rotary?
The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
  • FIRST The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service.
  • SECOND High ethical standards in business and professions; the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations; and the dignifying by each Rotarian of their occupation as an opportunity to serve society.
  • THIRD The application of the ideal of service by every Rotarian to their personal, business and community life.
  • FOURTH The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional people united in the ideal of service.
Does Rotary have a Motto?
Yes - it is `Service Above Self'. It also still has its' original motto of `They Profit Most Who Serve Best'. In addition, Rotarians aspire to The Four Way Test: It goes like:
The 4-Way Test of the things we think, say or do:
1 Is it the TRUTH?
2 Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4 Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Why does Rotary use Business Classifications?
Rotary uses a classification system in an attempt to establish and maintain a vibrant cross-section or representation of the community's business, vocational, and professional interests among members. A classification describes either the principal business   or the professional service of the organisation that the Rotarian works for or the Rotarian's own activity within the organisation.
The Club can also appoint "Honorary Members" at the Board's discretion.
Where is the head Office of Rotary?
Rotary International is an international organization with its Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois (Chicago), USA.
Does RI provide a structure to the programmes to be undertaken?
Yes. There are Five Avenues of Service in Rotary. They are:
  • Club Service
  • Vocational Service
  • Community Service
  • International Service
  • Youth Service
In addition to the above, The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International provides a Trust Fund through which international humanitarian and educational programs are funded and actioned. A separate committee manages The Rotary Foundation giving and management of programs within District 9810.
How to join Rotary Now.
If you're interested in learning more about joining The Rotary Club of Mount Waverley simply email or complete the form on the New Membership  page.

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